Showing posts with label Tatoos Small Rose.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tatoos Small Rose.. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Unsurprisingly Rose Tattoo 2011

 Although most people associate women with flowers, the rose is one of the tattoos that transcends gender and can be found almost equally between men and women. For most people, roses mean love, passion and excitement - that this concept can be used in a number of different contexts. The first thing you need when choosing a rose tattoo design is if you have the image of the flower in a much more extensive on the main theme of your design or just an accent. While the rose is beautiful in itself, you can connect to transform into another image, a sense of design. For example, the addition of a small round image of a softer image of the skull design and a commentary on the duality of life and death. Want to see the color of the...


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